Now offering Usui Reiki certification training in both Spanish & English. Give us a call for more information at (626) 235-4360.

Private Usui Reiki I & Usui Reiki II Certification Training

Become Usui Reiki I & II certified in ONE weekend, or book them separately when it is most convenient for you. We are available Monday - Saturday.

Usui Reiki I is open to anyone who wants to learn & does not require any prerequisites. However, you must complete Usui Reiki I in order to qualify for Usui Reiki II.


Usui Reiki I

Usui Reiki I provides an introduction to Reiki, including its history, applications, and current research on Reiki therapy. You will learn to channel the energy and the basics of working with the energy.  You will be provided with the tools to practice with Reiki and learn how to make a clear connection to Source energy.

This course is open to anyone who wants to learn. No prerequisites are required.


Usui Reiki II

You will learn three powerful healing symbols (Empowerment, Mental/Emotional, and Distance/Absent). You will learn how these highly-effective symbols help support healing, calmness, and clarity for your patients.  You learn the application of these symbols and practice using them in Reiki sessions for others. With this class, you will become a more advanced Reiki practitioner with a deeper understanding of the extraordinary and transformative powers of energy healing. You will practice and develop a stronger connection with self, source energy, and the healing powers you hold within.

Open to all. Prerequisite: Completion of REIKI I through Reiki Master Sandra


Group Reiki Certification Events:

Dates Coming Soon!

Contact me if you are interested in a group certification event at (626) 235-4360
